About Us

Phoenix Rising Sober House Inc., (PRSH) is a transitional re-entry Program for people who are seeking to be free from drug and alcohol addiction. PRSH is a structured sober living house chosen only by those individuals who are committed to a sober way of life. When you enter Phoenix Rising our focus is to help alleviate residents from the turmoil and devastation caused by addiction and incarceration. PRSH offers stability and the opportunity to be restored back to leading a law abiding productive life, that benefits self, community, and society at-large.

Residents of PRSH are offered the following to assist in reaching their goals of recovery and independence:

•    Social Service: This component offers assistance and referrals for medical care. Its main area of focus is on substance abuse and anti-social personality disorders, prevalent among men transitioning from prison. Individual and family counseling are also available for those in need. It is reinforced with case management and required NA/AA meeting attendance.

•    Case Management: The Case Management Component design has an evidence-based approach. This research is used to guide and shape the resident’s individual case plans. The strategies use, target concerns that may impede the resident’s ability to lead a stable life in the community.

•    Housing: The Housing Component’s ultimate intent is to secure housing that meets the resident’s needs, in an atmosphere where they can achieve stability. It is fundamentally guided by their housing assessment and is developed and routinely visited until appropriate housing is obtained.

•    Employment: The Employment Component offers assistance with job readiness, job search, placement, retention and referrals. The framework of this component’s design is based on what employers want, look for, and base their hiring decision on, when hiring an applicant with a criminal record.

•    Financial: The Financial Component’s main objective is to teach the resident how to become financially responsible. PRSH will work with the resident on budgeting,opening and managing a bank account, and electronic banking. This component is re-enforced with case management, through the development of a financial goal setting plan.

5 thoughts on “About Us

  1. This is Jonathan collier and I have a friend that stays in the woman’s house, her name is Jennifer Stowasser, if you could tell her to call me at +13046346291 I would appreciate you.

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